At The End of the Day, All That We Have Is Each Other

Gilda Given
4 min readFeb 26, 2019


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You are here to serve me, I am here to serve you and someone else’s is here to serve us, we should be here to serve each other. Your true assignment is to serve others. I am here to remind you that.

You might ask how? Here is the clear reason, as a human being God put us in this world to serve the world and its humanity, living for each other, to live a purposeful life, a life where you will inspire someone or motivate someone so that person will get something from you and decide to live their dream or do something else for their own benefit.

I have this part in one among my book slices, called “Adopt New Mathematics” it says “Zero times zero is equal to zero, so do plus or divide” this is what it means;

“For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

Matthew 25:29. –Bible

Living our life it’s really vital living a balanced life. Our life is like a breathing mechanism, we give to get but also we get to give. If you don’t have anything to offer, either you don’t have anything to receive at the end of the day nothing will ever matter more than the life of other people we impact from the life we live in our present time in this world.

Ask yourself these 3 simple questions;

1. What am I living for?

2. Who do I choose to serve, inspire, or motivate and how?

3. If I choose to inspire, motivate, or serve in another way, do I give my time and energy if those people need me? Do I live my life as an inspiration every moment, everywhere, anytime while being real with myself so that people I choose to inspire can have the ability to emulate me?

Having a clear answer to all questions then it’s a sign you are still in. If it’s not clear to you then you have to change the vision of who you want to become, if you want to be that kind of person.

To impact others has nothing to do with money either, for instance, if you find someone suffering from a certain poor condition and you provide that person with money for 1 day to 2 days or even a month. In reality, it won’t last much longer, that will never happen, but if you instead give someone skills and knowledge then it is more likely they will be able to use that set of skills or knowledge to create something on their own that will be of benefit to them. You will notice that you didn’t serve only them but also you serve even the people around that person.

“In reality, the problem is not money, money is just an illusion, things that matter most is your TIME and ENERGY”

You may also ask yourself “how will I be able to give someone skills and knowledge if I don’t have money?” Don’t bother to think about that either. The true thing in this world that matter the most is TIME and ENERGY only, money has nothing to do with that. Give your time; give your energy to your family, community, or people around you, those are things that you cannot return back, money comes and go, time will never do that, it’s always forward.

For instance, people in your family, they need more of your time than your money, you will agree with this unless you are an energy vampire, whenever you spend your time with people you stress them and suck their energy, at the end of the day they will end up being tired.

We have to live purposefully. Time is not waiting for us to be better, neither look better nor do better first, our ideal day is today and we only have today, tomorrow may never come.

Have you ever asked yourself “Why do Heaven and Earth last forever?” It’s because “They do not live for themselves only — they live for others.” As John Greenleaf Whittier once said “Me, lift thee and thee lift me, and we will both ascend together” we are all here to do and live the work.

You are here to serve me, I am here to serve you and someone else’s is here to serve us, we should be here to serve each other. That is our true assignment and I am here to remind you that.


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Gilda Given
Gilda Given

Written by Gilda Given

Author | On a mission to help you live that which is true to yourself

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