Best things to do 2024

Gilda Given
5 min readJan 28, 2024


It’s not how we start something that really counts, it’s what we do in the middle that determines our finish line and that really counts.

We are still in the early month of the beginning of the year and I thought of sharing this magnificent blog post with you so maybe you might learn a thing.

It’s all about those important things that we need to ground ourselves with to have a strong year regarding what we have opted to thrive with.

I have shared 5 of them and if you choose to focus on either any of them — you’ll live this year happily and joyfully.

1. Prioritize yourself and develop a tendency of having a “Me” time.

So many people put themselves last.

Like, they don’t dedicate enough time to themselves.

The majority of them are more willing to work on others hard enough than they are doing to themselves.

If you are such a kind of person, I think 2024 should somehow be for you.

And when I say you need to take care of yourself it can be simple as…

Dedicating some quality time for you like 15 minutes a day. Just by sitting, loving, and appreciating yourself for that which you are. And remember when you do this it won’t take you away from your productivity — but it will increase it.

You can also take care of yourself by being kind to yourself.

Acknowledge that you are doing your best but also you need to be realistic about that, especially about the things that do not feel that much good to you, and be willing to let them go.

The last thing to keep on track when taking care of yourself is to watch how you talk to yourself. Kill out the negative self-talk in your head and keep up the positivity as long as you can.

2. Be honest with people. Choose kindness over niceness.

You know most people totally confuse being nice and being kind.

Well, kindness doesn’t have to do with niceness and if people will judge you for that then it’s their issue, not yours.

I know kindness is more of being a human to another human next to you, but being nice can be manipulated in many ways when compared to being honest and that’s why people love doing that.

So what are the consequences of NOT being honest with yourself?

If you are not honest with yourself you are creating a war within yourself. Not only war but a conflict around you. And you’ll also deprive yourself, and everyone around you.

Sometimes being too nice is dangerous, as it tends to delude our inner self, in the end, we find that we have lost ourselves and people start taking us for granted or using us.

And you have to remember this, humans are both evil and good, so it’s good to somehow know the other sides of them so that it can be easier for you to set boundaries.

3. Stop caring what others think of you.

Heeeey! You are the one who owns you.

Not the other person next to you.

Not your family or your partner.

Even if you die today it gonna be just you and not the other person next to you. So, why do you care so much about the perception of others on you?

It doesn’t make sense right?

Remember, what others think of you isn’t your business, and you shouldn’t let others’ perceptions affect you. Like how you live, how you feel, how you interact with others and so many things related to that.

Know that your value is not defined by being liked, so it’s better to choose yourself, be yourself, and just do yourself.

Other things that you can add, are — defining your values and boundaries when engaging with others. Always keep focusing on yourself, and keep improving that version of yourself.

4. Stop blaming and start taking responsibility.

Do you know why blame exists?

Blame exists because it makes it easier for us not to deal with our life situations.

But to be accountable means we have to be willing to accept responsibility for our own actions and choices in life.

Accountability means that we are capable of changing something, changing a situation to how we have imagined it to be.

So what do you think?

2024 should be the perfect time to stop blaming others and begin to accept responsibility for your life.

Yes, that can be done if you decide.

No more excuses. No more victimhood. Create the life that you want to live and stop using other things outside of your control to define what you’re facing now.

Stop using others people and life situations as your excuse for the way you are now — for the way you feel.

5. Develop a habit of self-learning.

Well! I am not taking you back to school but you can agree with me that life itself is a school already.

What I meant by self-learning is that it opens your curiosity to life.

Be open to it. Explore life through good books, good journals, or videos.

Self-learning will always give you the ability to identify problems and quickly look for effective solutions on your own.

According to Malcolm, self-learning is defined as: “a process by which individuals take the initiative, with or without the assistance of others .”

I hope that you will develop that initiative this year.

You need to individually take initiative with or without the need of others.


Navigate around good books, good videos, and good online platforms that always feed you with content that uplifts you.


I think it’s enough for today.

I have already made it easier for you and what is left is to just commit to what has been shared and make 2024 great!

It’s the SiT year :)


Gilda Given :)



It’s my hope that you grabbed a thing today :)

Let me know in the comment box below yet, if you clap for this article, could sound great too :)

My social media handles: Instagram : Twitter : Youtube feel free to connect with me — like, any time.



Gilda Given
Gilda Given

Written by Gilda Given

Author | On a mission to help you live that which is true to yourself

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