Ignore The Naysayers

In her book “What I know For Sure” Oprah Winfrey once wrote this,
“The truth is that the naysayers in your life can never be fully satisfied. Whether you hide or shine, they’ll always feel threatened because they don’t believe they are enough. So stop paying attention to them.”
Who are the Naysayers?
The naysayers are people who when you ask them to give you their opinion or advice on something you are working on, they’ll give you 100 reasons, why it is not going to work even though they know nothing about it.
They are the people who are always there to criticize other people’s lives and defines who they should be.
They are people who are always being influenced by other people's perceptions inside their minds and no matter who is doing something great they will always find a negative flaw and criticize or judge those people who are doing well in their lives.
They are people who when you are in a deep struggle they won’t think anything about you or even support you but the day they see you on top, they will be proud of you and spread the news to others about you. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t communicate with you for 1000 years back.
There are people in your life who will always judge, criticize and feel bad about what you are doing even if you are not into them, know them or not. They might be your close friends or classmates. They are the ones who always find negative faults in anyone’s life.
As a person who chooses to pursue your dreams and goals, you need to focus on the things that help you in your journey.
You have to ignore the NAYSAYER by adopting the following principles in your life.
1. Become Unfuckwithable
This term was developed by Vishen Lakhiani founder Mindvalley from “The Code of Extraordinary Mind” book. Vishen explains unfuckwithable as “a person who does not need to seek validation from outside opinion or through the attainment of goals instead, they are truly at peace with themselves and the world around them.”
The person who is unfuckwithable lives fearlessly — immune to criticism or praise and fueled by their own inner happiness and self-love.
“UNFUCKWITHABLE: When you’re truly at peace and in touch with yourself. Nothing anyone says or does bothers you and no negativity can touch you.” — Vishen Lakhiani
2. Love Yourself Unconditionally
If you have the ability to love yourself unconditionally you will become unstoppable and your level of self-concepts will increase too.
Your self-awareness, consciousness, acceptance, confidence, and esteem will totally go higher. Once you have self-love of your own, you will always feel happy about yourself and never look back for any approval if no one is there for you.
Loving yourself has nothing to do with being selfish. You have to put yourself first, as you are representing the self-image of God. If you put yourself last, it means that you are treating God last.
Self-love is the foundation of happiness, appreciation of yourself and others. You will never care about the naysayer anymore, you will only worry about yourself — and that is mastery.
3. Improve Your Self-confidence
Self-confidence is accepting who you are and be okay with who you are.
If you are poor or rich, if you are black or white, if you are tall or short, if you are educated or non-educated — it is just to be okay with any label that people may choose to put in you.
No matter what the naysayer will say about you, nothing will ever affect you even once. It is because you are aware of who you are and who you are not. You are aware of where you are and where you want to be — and you are okay with everything.
4. Focus On Your Strengths
Most of the naysayers they tend to focus on your weakness and use your weakness to destruct you because when they touch that point they touch the core too.
Focusing on your strength will give you courage enough to focus on the things that you wish to accomplish.
At the end of the day, you have to work on what what you are good at. Stop wasting your time improving your weaknesses.
5. Focus On Your Core Things
If you truly focus on your goals, vision or dreams you will never have time to cross-check on other people’s perceptions about who you are and what you are doing.
By doing that too you will prove yourself how powerful you are and you will ignore the naysayers no matter what they say.
People shouldn’t tell you what you can or cannot do. As in real life, many of us are too busy looking for what is happening outside the world. But understand that
“For every second you spend thinking about someone else’s life, you take time away from your own”.
Return back your focus — give your dreams and goals energy. It will pay off.
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