Manage Your Night Routine
Win Your Night
Spending your night productive it is a clear way of waking up productive. When we sleep we are entering into an unconscious state where things operate unconsciously, but our subconscious mind keeps performing all the vital functions like breathing, circulating blood, e. t. c.
We are learning to manage our night routine to be able to prepare our mind into a positive state and by practicing these 5 tips you will win your night and wake up energetic, refreshed and happy;-
1. Program Your Subconscious Mind
Feeding your subconscious mind with positive information, unlearn all negativity and learn different positive things through positive affirmation but also start thinking in a positive way by focusing on the things that you wish to see, not the things that you don’t want to see or instead of opting to watch television or checking out the bad news cross-check your dreams, goals, and visions.
2. Plan Your Next Day
The best time to plan your next day it’s during the night before you sleep. Plan what you will do tomorrow so that you won’t get destructed during the next day, write it down, read it aloud, then be committed to yourself by following what you say you will do. “Don’t say one thing and do other things; do what you say you will do.”
3. Clear Out All Negativity
Forget all the grueling stuffs that happened during the day, forget who made you wrong or who abuses you, what went wrong or what didn’t work, if you focus on that it’s like you are telling your subconscious mind to take them into a sleep state and program it for you for the coming day. The best thing you can do is, think positive, forgive and forget all the grueling stuff.
4. Listen or Read Something Productive
Program your subconscious mind with an impressive positive thing. Forget about scrolling your social media handles, doing that, you are destructing yourself unconscious, instead, you may opt to listen to a motivational tape or read a book that inspires you, even for 5 minutes or 2–5 pages.
5. Smile, Pray and Say Thank You
“Congratulations……….(mention your name)………for making it today” You have to talk to yourself like that, you are still alive, healthy and fit, it’s a blessing. Pray for the next day and say thank you for all that you have for that day, all the things that you pass through, good or bad, say thank you because you either enjoy or learn something.
Managing your night routine is the best thing you can ever do and by doing that you will program your life into productivity, happiness, and you will live your life with energy. Do not read-only but cramp this well then practice, practice, practice consistency and you will never be the same again : )
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