Observe People. Don’t Criticize either Judge
You don’t deserve to live in someone’s else reality. I don’t deserve to live in someone’s else reality. No one else deserves to live in someone’s else reality.
We are all not our bodies — we are the soul.
Living our lives, we have to understand that “we are not our bodies — we are the soul’. Our bodies carry the soul but changes in different forms. That is why you and I are not the same person since the day we were born till to date.
We keep changing over and over again with a different version of names — young, adult, teen, women or men, boy or girls, mother, father, grandmother or grandfather.
Criticizing or disapproving people is the work of judgment. It means that you are not satisfied with someone’s reality but also you forget that you have your own reality too.
And no one tells you to not be just like that — means you have the right to be different. Being what u wish to be.
If we decide to accept that all human beings are equal but different then we will observe other people instead of criticizing them.
If you are finding too difficult to absorb this, these few points will be helpful to you
· Observing people is to learn from them. Appreciate what others have and learn what they have if it only aligns with what you believe.
· Understand that the body appearance of someone has nothing to do with who they are as they are not their bodies but they are the souls and we all have that in common. Do not judge them according to appearance.
· Remove your negative attention to others. Learn to spread good thoughts about others. Love, kindness, and appreciation.
· Understand we are one but different in mind, different in thinking and how we perceive life. Learn to value the differences between.
· Escalate the variance between each and every person. We all have different values, principles, and philosophies that guide who we are.
· Someone else’s beliefs have nothing to do with you. Let people be who they want to be and be who you want to be. What you like or love at the moment someone won’t and the vice versa is true. This is how human beings are.
· The behavior of others shouldn’t be something to discourage or upset you. That which offends you it only weakens you.
We are all created with the same God, same hand. We are all one. See yourself in every person. Appreciate the difference of others and learn to value that through observation. It is so powerful.
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