The Most 3 Investments You’ll Ever Make In Your Entire Life!
The most important thing in this world to you is YOU! If you fail to invest in yourself then you undermine the best gift you could ever have in this entire world.
You are a human being and you are a three-fold being — you consist of mind, body, and the non-physical part of you.
We can also term them as the physical being, the non-physical, and the metaphysical.
The three investment you could ever make in this world without any amount of money is investing in your mind, body, and soul.
Investing In Your Mind
“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” –Buddha
Your mind is one of the big creation machines you have in this world and you can create anything by using your mind through thoughts, and all things around you come from someone’s thoughts, we build this world with our own thoughts — truly, do thoughts turn to things!
Invest in your mind — adopt these few tips
· Find good books — read them. Absorb all the good information as raw material for tomorrow’s production. You are what you read, what you listen to, and what you watch!
· Expose yourself to a good environment where your mind will feel a-fresh with positive surroundings. Spend your time with nature rather than technology tools as nature always puts you close to the source of creation that supports your well-being.
· Let go of negativity. Clean your mind from all negative bondages. Holding into negativity only disempowers you. Your true power is in the positive and you always have power over it.
· Unlearn all information that is no longer serving you — the negative and all the self-limiting beliefs. Always choose growth, freedom, and joy.
Remember this powerful quote from John Milton too
“The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.’’ And guess what? You get to choose. Heaven or hell! You alone, have the power to choose and decide which one work for you.
Investing In Your Body
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live” –Jim Rohn
Your body is one of the huge temples of goodness, yet most humans do take it for granted. It is good to adopt a new consciousness and allow the good stuff to flow from this temple of goodness.
Learn to invest in your body as the only place you have to live by using these tips
· Love your body unconditionally — not conditionally and treat it with lots of love and respect. It knows what it wants, pay attention and listen to it.
· Feed your body with nourishing food. It's a way of naturing it instead of destroying it.
· Exercise, it’s healthy. Don’t just do it simply because you want to get into shape or lose weight, it's time-wasting.
· Drink water it’s healthy. It’s colorless and flavorless yet it always does an excellent job within the body, and more nourishment can flouring from it.
· Get enough sleep. It is important for the body. Take time and refresh while working. It is important for the body. Remember that your body is not a machine, yet a sophisticated figure that exists here with you to give you all the support you want toward your desires.
Investing In Your Soul
“The Soul has been given its own ears to hear things that the mind or body does not understand” –Rumi
Your soul is the non-physical part of you. The part that can’t be seen yet works every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, and forever.
It’s the part that never dies but also lives forever. It’s your spiritual being. The inner part of who you truly are. The part that knows who you really are, what you really want, and all the ways towards your desires.
It's the inner part of you that connects you with the Source of Creation and once you are connected to it the energy always flows through the Source of Creation towards you and make your life magical.
Many humans forget this part and it's okay. You can use the following tips below to connect with your inner being — with your soul.
Invest in your soul by adopting these few tips
· Meditate more often and pay attention to your inner guidance. Your inner being knows who you really are and what you really want in this life.
· Spend time with yourself and get to know yourself. Take the time to understand your feelings as how you feel matters a lot more than anything.
· Forgive and let go so that you can grow. Maintain a state of peacefulness as long as you can and you can do it by using your mind and thoughts not with other people.
· Love yourself and love others. If you judge or hate you are literally doing it to yourself. Remove all the bondages and stay clean within yourself. Trust me, there is beauty in everything that you have chosen to pay attention to — just be open enough to see them.
In the end, understand that living your life means, living a balanced life. It’s like a car with four wheels if one wheel is not there then we miss the journey.
The same applied to your life.
Your mind, body, and the non-physical part of you are the considerable things that lie within you. Fail to balance these 3 wheels — the beauty of your life and the world, in general, will dissipate.
You must live a balanced life to be able to see the beauty of this world and it starts by investing in your mind, body, and the non-physical part of you :)
Gilda Given :)
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