The Power of Habit

Gilda Given
5 min readJul 28, 2020


Picture credit: Medical News Today

As a human being, you are a creature of habits. And scientist observes that habit is one of the crucial things in your life and it can even determine your outcomes.

It’s through repeated habits that build your day to day activities which you practice all day long — either you are conscious about it or unconscious. Let take a good example like brushing up your teeth, taking shower or sleeping, you always find yourself doing that every single day without your mother or friends reminder.

“Habit is created through thinking and acting and it doesn’t matter what you are thinking or acting on if it’s through repetition you are building a new habit.” — James Clear

In developing habits your mind doesn’t care if it’s something negative or positive if it’s something supportive to your health or not. Habits patters will be created and developed with the help of your conscious and subconscious mind — unconsciously, especially when practicing a certain habit consistency and constancy.

Apart from that Psychologists also tell us, 90% of our behavior is regular routine from the time we get up from the bed in the morning until we come back again to our beds for another night shift. And this took root after 21–90 days while we are practicing the same process or activities every day.

A simple reminder to all of us is that either we are practicing good or bad habits, always our habits will deliver results or outcomes to our lives.

Take this chance right now, to cross-check all the bad habits that you have; don’t wait until later because it will give you negative consequences if it's something unsupportive for your wellness. Either its mental, physical, or spiritual.

But how can someone determine if what they are practicing it’s a good or bad habit?

It all starts by asking yourself the right questions. You may develop from your own according to the person you want to become, your personal values or you can even opt to ask yourself the self-centered questions like,

“Does this behavior help me become the type of person I want to be? Or, does this habit disallowing and go against the person I want to become?”

To Develop Good Habits Practice these three steps

1. Identify all the bad habits that you want to get rid of them

“The process of behavior change always starts with awareness. You need to be aware of your habits before you can change them.” –James Clear

First, you have to identify all the bad habits that you want to get rid of them. All habits that you feel like they are not getting you anywhere but they destruct you when trying to achieve your goals. Here is a list of bad habits from myself I wrote them down so that I can be able to develop new ones;

· Skipping meals

· Not exercising

· Waking up late

· Not reading

· Procrastinating

· Time wasting on unproductive things

· Working on deadlines

· Watching movies excessively, spending many hours on TV, and listen to unhelpful radio programs

· Spending more than 2hours on any social media

“Once you are aware, you become aware.”

2. Practice the 14/21–90 days rule

Research has shown that it only takes 14–21 to develop any habit — good or bad. So if you want to quit a bad habit you are advised to not take that anymore for 14–21 days.

For instance, if you want to quit smoking or drinking. But also if you want to develop a good habit like excising early in the morning, you have to practice it 14–21 days consistency. Doing that it’s a process of establishing new patterns in your mind to follow and adopt that.

(It also depends on how you have chosen to condition your mind. If you think you cannot do something, it won't be done either way if you think you can do it, it will be done)

3. Create a “Stop Doing It” list

Create a list of things that you want to eliminate in your activities. Things that waste your time, things that produce unproductive results, and be aware of them.

You have to be aware of the things that don’t support your goals, missions, and visions. Because if you won’t be aware that you will do it unconsciously as your mind already establish a system pattern that does things in an autopilot model or default model until you change into a manual.

If you are a driver or a pilot then you totally understand how manual and auto works when driving or directing. It is clear also a good driver is the one who drives things manually as it develops concentration and he/she might be so skilled. Take that experience and related that with your mind.

Pin Pont From “Atomic Habit” Book By James Clear

James Clear the Author of “Atomic Habit” pointed out we fail to change our habits dues to the wrong system and we don’t know what kind of habits we are changing.

“The most effective way to change your habits is to focus not on what you want to achieve, but on who you wish to become.” — James Clear.

This will help you focus on the progress you want to see more rather than the condition or situation you are having within the moment.

Remember this; “A habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough times to become automatic.” — James Clear in developing a good habit you have to practice over and over again — maintain constancy.

Learn more about Habits from author of “Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones”


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Gilda Given
Gilda Given

Written by Gilda Given

Author | On a mission to help you live that which is true to yourself

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