There’re no accidents in the Universe.

Gilda Given
4 min readApr 9, 2023

There are no accidents in the universe as for every beginning, there is an end, and for every end, there’s a new beginning. Things are always in perfect proximity.

Well. I have learned this lesson the hard way in my life.

And mostly they all happened between the things I dearly loved.

From the first company I ever cofounded, the relationship I was ever fallen; to the things I was ever clinging attached to.

I am not going to share all the details of the reality of what happened yet I want to share that if we are open enough to life and choose to learn from whatever has happened to us — what happened to us becomes a true Sadhana to us (spiritual practice or life reveal itself to us ).

As there are no accidents in this universe. Things always happen for a reason, and it doesn't matter how we label it — good or bad, luck or unlock.

Life is always in its own perfect order. It’s always in Divine order.

Things happen so that we can grow and move to the next stage of life.

Things happen so that we can discover the best in ourselves.

Things happen so that we get to know what we don’t want and what we do want and move ourselves to those expanding desires.

And mostly it's through hard times (as mostly we refuse to learn the easiest way) that humans truly get to learn, grow, and understand life in a deeper dimension as the other way around seems like only a few get to know the path and follow it.

It's like death. It's one of the things that give our life — meaning.

If there is no death our life could be a total waste — with no meaning.

Death teaches humans a lot of things.

That we are spiritual beings. That we come and go. That we are of the same nature as the sources of creation. That, life isn't that much serious as we believe it to be. That we are here to play. That we surely gonna die one day, so it's better we have fun and it doesn't matter what we have accumulated we shouldn’t be clinging to it if things don't go as how we expected them.

As humans, there’s so much we can learn from death.

If we see death from other dimensions, therefore, every death of our past, our ego, our sadness or depression, and all other things that do not give us life, the things that make us feel bad all the time — it’s a new beginning of the things that give us life and move us forward to life.

Now then we need to be open to life and strong enough to ask what life is trying to teach us or what life is trying to remind or communicate to us during the midst of different times.

If we do pay attention we will then understand that there is no such thing as a bad life or good life — there’s that which we allow to experience and that which we do not allow to experience from life.

We will understand that things happen as to how they are supposed to happen — as life itself, truly comes from our own creation.

That we do create our own reality.

You will understand that there are no accidents in the Universe.

All things happen for a reason.

That all things come from our own creations.

That all things are in perfect order.

It happens so that something should happen.

It’s a way of life turning itself into the next significant phase and the next big thing.

I understand things like the end of a relationship or losing something of value hurt so much and we think a lot through, yet you need to learn to ask life what this incident meant to you.

What’s the intention for it to happen? Is there any reason? Is there a newborn creation? Can you realize it? And the answers will unfold clearly.

Trust me, bad things happened to me so many times yet they turned out to be the best things ever. Now I am in a position to believe that there is always a great purpose behind what happens to us — but only if we are truly open to seeing and knowing things from a dipper dimension.

This happens to me so many times when what we call bad things, turn out to be the best things ever.

Things don't just happen.

You have created them.

Realize, and become aware then lots will be revealed and unfolded from that experience for your next breakthrough in life.

There are no accidents in the Universe.

Things happen for a reason as it’s always in divine order.

Life— itself, is always in perfect proximity.

Gilda Given :)



It’s my hope that you grabbed a thing today :)

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Gilda Given

Author | On a mission to help you live that which is true to yourself