Truth hurts. Yet worth hearing.
There’s nothing harder than facing the truth, especially the one that you weren’t prepared to face or hear.
Dear friend, if you are the kind of person who believes that you deserve better in this life, and settling for less isn’t just an option..
Well, prepare to face the truth that there will be a lot of things that will not work as to how you expect them to be and that shouldn’t be a problem yet an opportunity for you to be more open to life and get prepared for that which you truly deserve or intend becoming.
I also understand that in the process of facing that which we don’t want to face, there are a lot of emotions and feelings that are resisted and costumed involved that make us feel like weak individuals who are worthy of nothing but hardships.
But on the other side, there’s a lot of growth and improvement happening within us and truly there’s no improvement or progress that will be made if we aren’t prepared for that which is intended for us.
As an individual, I always believe that we all ask a lot from life and if we aren’t willing to make a bigger room for that which we have asked for from life, then it will be hard for life to give us that which we have asked for.
And that part of letting in — is also about facing the truth that there are things that we need to be willing to let go of in our lives as a way of preparing the bigger room for that which we truly deserve.
I also understand that the process of making that room could be a hard experience and the truth that you didn’t want to face but believe me once you accept and train yourself to look on the brightest side of life; things tend to change positively too.
And the moment you truly learn to give yourself time and think for yourself, you will come to understand that you only let go of the things that aren’t serving you; the things that were not meant for you — and that’s the act of self-love that you always needed for yourself.
Deep inside your heart.
Dear friend, I know how hard it is when you know that you are in pain and you just want to live with that hope simply because you don’t want to face the truth that — you need to heal yourself and stop using others as your excuse for the way you feel.
Dear friend, I know how hard it is when you want to let things be as to how they are even though deep within you know for sure that you deserve better — but you also don’t want to face the truth that you are the only one who has to change — also change things around and not the other person.
Dear friend, I know how hard it is to feel lonely and you just want that person you love to be there for you but they don’t — and it’s just hard to face the truth that loneliness is what is happening within you and it has nothing to do with the other person— and now it’s time for you to choose yourself, understanding your emotions and be there for you.
Dear friend, I know how hard it is to want to be loved and appreciated by others for that which you are but they don’t — and it’s hard to face the truth that people have choices with their lives — and it’s not your job to make them do whatever that you want them to do to but it’s your job to love yourself and appreciate yourself for that which you truly are.
Dear friend, I know how hard it is to be different and you just want people to understand and value you for that which you do but they don’t — and it’s just hard to accept the truth that you don’t need other people’s validation or approval to live that which you believe to be true to yourself.
Dear friend,
When you start facing the truth that you as a person do have a choice..
..that you are the one who chooses to put up with the kind of things that you are getting from others while deep within you know what you truly deserve..
..that you weren’t open enough to share your truth and let go of the things that aren’t serving you fearing being lonely, rejected, or disapproved.. dear friend, it's time to ask yourself..
What lies are you telling or feeding yourself simply because you don’t want to face the truth?
Yes. That truth that you know deep within yourself.
Go and do something about it.
Trust me, it will feel awful the moment you choose to make the decision but as time goes on you will start to feel better and you will always be proud of yourself for sticking up with yourself and not the other person.
Choosing ourselves makes us feel better. Always :)
Gilda :)
It’s my hope that you grabbed a thing today :)
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