Why You Should Start with WHY When Envisioning for Anything!
I would love to share something about why it’s really crucial to start with WHY when envisioning for anything in life.
When living life, what we really thought is that we are dealing with the conscious mind. The mind which sees, hears, reasoning, or questioning if things are good or not good for you but in the end, isn't the mind that manifests what you wanted to experience. And it is the mind that many of us, are aware of.
However, behind the scenes, we have a powerful mind — the superb mind that can’t reason, questioning back, or even see the outer world. That mind is your subconscious mind.
It is the mind that works all day and night. The mind that covers 95% of your real consciousness. The mind that grows your hair, fingernails, and supplies all that is necessary to the human body — in short, it is the mind of God.
The subconscious mind also referred to as a goal-getter mind. Once something is presented to it, it will always find a way to get it but it has to pass to the reasoning mind — your conscious mind first. Once it’s accepted then the information will be sent again to the subconscious mind ready for manifestation.
What you should know about the subconscious mind is that it doesn’t differentiate between good or bad, truth or lie. So, when envisioning something, it’s good to give it clarity as it’s the mind that gives us all that we want in life — the mind of God.
But bringing this mind into work, you will be required to start out with the right questions. And when those questions start with WHY, it provides your subconscious mind clarity to think through. It gives your superb mind more reasons to believe in you as it doesn’t do any reasoning but more of acceptance.
Unfortunately, this mind doesn’t care about what, when to get it, or how! Just only by believing in your vision, it will find a way for you.
As you are perfectly fine now because it works. Feel out your breathing, your aliveness inside your body, and see the wonder of this mind.
This lesson is excerpted from the book “Inflammable Mindset, Slice 8: Start With WHY”
Get your copy @bookmarttz or check with us at +255 758 278 017
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